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Liz Moran
Oct 24, 202211 min read
The Day We Went Into Labor & Met Our Little Leaf
The waiting was over... we were so ready to meet our little one. The home birth we wanted, but in the still of the night in the hospital.

Liz Moran
Oct 18, 20228 min read
Waiting for Leaf's Birthday
While we wait to go into labor, we try to normalize the day to day, make memories, and enjoy the precious days and kicks we have with Leaf.

Liz Moran
Oct 13, 20225 min read
How do you live life in the unknown...? And how we named our baby Leaf🍂
Waking up the day after our baby was diagnosed with Trisomy 18. Grey clouds. Creating a new normal & the lovely support of family + friends.
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